Sunday, November 28, 2010

Long Long TIme

It has been such a long time since we posted! Been a crazy couple of weeks. Going to attempt to pull together a quick recap. Really, this is more for us to keep tabs on what we are doing with our lives than for any intentional informing of blog readers!

Maria attended a meeting for the Family Equality Council in preparation for their 'Night On The Pier' fundraiser in the Spring. Maria will be on the host committee for this event.

Christina's mother Pat is in town to help out with the baby for a few weeks. We had them all over for a dinner of Chicken Parisienne which was really just a rouse to get them in our apt so we could get in some Carter time. Our plan worked.

Cooper got a haircut on Saturday, and then we stopped at Logan's apt for a little play time and to visit Debbie. Then Maria (yes, maria) went to a 'Pampered Chef' party at her friend Karen's place.

Sunday. Cooper and Maria headed downtown to attend a gingerbread house making party. Lots of people. Lots of kids. Cooper had LOTS of sugar - a new and different endeavor. Good times.

And meanwhile, back at the ranch.... Lori was watching football with VAN. We love Van! Sarah came over too - yay! So we football'd, ate an amazing dinner of steak and shrimp, and then retired to the living room to watch The Amazing Race.

On Tuesday we checked out a playgroup for Cooper to attend two days a week. We were more than unimpressed with the woman who runs it. Nope, Cooper isn't going there. Next stop was a tour of the school that Cooper will be attending in September. Lori got choked up when she thought about how her baby will be in such a nurturing educational setting this Fall.

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