Friday, November 12, 2010

Color Lesson

Maria got home early from coaching this afternoon, so Clara got the opportunity to go home early and Maria/Cooper got in some major play time. Books, running around, dancing, and a bunch other things were crossed off the list before a new game was created.

Cooper knows exactly where the art stuff is kept, and he played with the scraps of colored paper while Maria was getting this sorting game concocted. Although Cooper is extremely adept in grabbing things when the chance arises (sharpie, paper sheets, etc), he "only" wasted about 1/4 of the tape while Maria wasn't looking!

A new game of Cooper's has been dumping out the box of cars, kicking them around, etc etc. Thought maybe we could change this practice into a teachable moment. We think we were successful.

Admittedly, Maria did most of the work this time around (good job mom), but Cooper was an active participant. He was very interested in this strange ritual of categorization. All in all? A good experience!

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