Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween '11

After leaving Atlantic City, we headed to Maria's parent's place. They had just arrived home from two weeks in Florida the day before! Since Cooper is still so young and Halloween fell on a weekend day, it made sense for us to spend this holiday in New Jersey. Luckily, the weather wasn't too terrible this year. Cooper had on a long-sleeved onesie, fleece pants, turtleneck, Under Armor long underwear, and then his costume over it all. He absolutely was warm enough, but the poor kid was walking a bit like the Michelin Man.

Cooper's costume? Buzz Lightyear from the Toy Story movies.

We originally wanted Sully from Monsters Inc, but currently no one sells those costumes. We found some on eBay, but prices were hitting $60-$70. Really not worth it for a 22 month old boy who was truly oblivious as to what was in store for him on 10/31.

He loved himself.

We stopped at Ellen/Donny's house to do a little Parker Avenue trick-or-treating. A million kids on the block, and enough toilet paper in the trees to supply several Porta-Johns. Cooper liked the kids in costumes and the decorations way more than the boring task of candy collection. Wait until next year!

Went to Liza and Todd's to trick-or-treat with the twins.
Three heros: Iron Man, Batman, and Buzz Lightyear.
Heros don't have much patience for pictures.
Happy Halloween!

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