Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sand Beach

Can we just say again how PERFECT the weather was this past weekend? Not too hot up at the lake, and so nice at night hanging out on the deck. The sun felt so good! Maria got some exercise by taking Cooper for a walk all 4+ miles around the lake in the jogging stroller. Lori, Van, Traci, and Lynn got 18 holes of golf in on Sunday morning. Paddle boarding and jet skiing and boating and sunning and tanning - what a truly great weekend!

We decided to take the boat over to Sand Beach on Monday. We could grab lunch and Cooper would be able to play in the water with a million different kids. Cooper wants to run in immediately.
An eagle was out and diving for fish during the afternoon.
Loves being in deeper water with Mommy!
Hanging with Randi!

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