Wednesday, July 21, 2010


With so many work commitments and our social calendar being bombarded, Lori was unable to make the time to head out to Kansas City for her high school reunion. She wished she could have gone as the date approached and the chatter/pictures/etc on Facebook increased. Oh well. The next one? She is there!

But the next best thing was offered for those in non-attendance. They had a live stream of the festivities and chatroom-like banter going on simultaneously by those watching from afar. So cool! So funny! People were getting their drink on and coming over to the camera. When Lori typed that she was one of the onlookers, it was great to hear, "Lori Megown is on!" "Lori - no way!" "Lori, WHY AREN'T YOU HERE???"

Kansas City. 2015. Park Hill High School. HERE I COME!

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