Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mike & Michael

Lori's brother Mike and her nephew Michael are in town for the weekend. We have about 100 things we are planning to do, so equipped with Metrocards and sneakers, Team Megown is off on 'Mission: New York City'.

The men came in to LaGuardia and picked up by a personal valet (Maria), dropped their bags off at the apartment, and then headed downtown to meet Lori at MTV by lunchtime. Cooper ran around the offices and felt like he owned the 40th Floor. Michael was in heaven when Lori opened up the closet that holds a treasure trove of MTV swag, and picked out some choice items that will make his friends jealous. Next? Food. There will be no TGIFridays or the like on this trip. NYC = lots of food options. We decided on Thai, and Michael enjoyed his first experience with this cuisine. Enjoyed? Actually, the term 'wolfed down' would probably be more appropriate!

Michael really wanted to check out the M&M Store, so we walked back to the madness of Times Square. Three floors of M&M'tastic merchandise. And the place was packed.

Have to admit, the tshirts in the store were just adorable. We were tempted to buy so many things for Cooper, but we just said no.

Then. Michael found the Wall of M&Ms.....

He very smartly decided on a 'Yankees' mix.
Hershey. Michael is an equal opportunity candy connoisseur.

We then went east and walked around Rockefeller Center, saw where they tape The Today Show, coveted jerseys in the NBA store, and ran around FAO Schwartz. As we strolled passed The Plaza, we spied the filming of a new movie - 'Friends With Benefits' starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. This was not the only star-sighting to be had on Central Park South......

Elmo was taking pictures (if you put money in his bag) with kids.

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