Friday, February 5, 2010

We Heart Aunt Christina

Yes, we love Aunt Christina. She is doing us a huge HUGE favor tomorrow. Maria has her last all-day practice at Lexington before heading to the tournament, and Lori is still in Colorado. Threw out a request to Michael and Christina if they happen to be around to hang with The Coop. Michael is playing football, but Christina is around.

How cool is she?

And it gets even better! You see, the HRC gala dinner is tomorrow night. Lori lands at 6:30pm, Van will grab her stuff from baggage claim, Lori will take a cab immediately home to change and run out the door to shoot down to the Waldorf-Astoria. We will be taking bets as to what time she finally walks through the door. ANYWAY, Christina was given the option of only doing the daytime babysitting "shift" and we would get someone for the evening. Nope. She is going to spend all day and night with Cooper.

Do you see why we heart her?

Worry not Aunt Christina.....
We will absolutely do something to repay you for this!

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