Monday, February 8, 2010

Dodged The Bullet

Snow forecast for last Saturday. Did you happen to see a weather map? The freakin' storm front covered more than a handful of states, and it looked as if it was going to be a doozy. As more time passed, it seemed a definitive line was in the works - the "haves" and the "have-nots" were starting to be clear. New York City? We were downgraded to only 3-5" predicted.

You have to imagine how thrilled Maria was when she woke up on Saturday morning and there was not a speck on the ground. You see, Maria's team was having their last all-day practice. Very important! She had already told the kids that they needed to be at the school regardless of rain/snow/tornado. Though it turns out that Brooklyn got hit with a bit of snow! A few of the kids reported an inch or two. Manhattan dodged the snow bullet entirely.

Washington DC got slammed! What was the last report? 28" or so? Wow. This is a cool video. Time-lapsed. The poor teddy bear didn't have a chance!

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