Monday, October 12, 2009

National Equality March

There were 200,000 people gathered in Washington DC yesterday and marched in the name of national equality.
The demands for change by this community are quite simple. We want our children to be able to go to school without harassment and discrimination, we want protection from hate crimes, the right for safety, civil marriage, the honor to serve in the military, and not to fear termination from our job simply because we are gay. No special treatment necessary - thank you - we only require equality.
Many names spoke after the march: Cynthia Nixon, Lady Gaga, Kate Clinton, Lt. Dan Choi, David Mixner, Judy Shepard, Julian Bond, Staceyann Chin, Urvashi Vaid, the cast of Hair, and countless others.
The hate crimes bill passed in the House last week, and it is expected to finally pass in the Senate within the next few days. President Obama has said he will sign it into law as soon as it makes its way onto his desk. Hopefully DOMA and 'Don't Ask - Don't Tell' will be the next injustices to be tackled.

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