Friday, October 22, 2010

Fun For All Ages

Other than the sights and sounds that enraptured each and every child, there was a huge section with games and such that were geared to the 'Under 10' set. Specialty shows like marionettes and an appearance by the king and queen to knight all the young squires. Most of those specific activities were lost on dear Cooper, but we managed to find some things that more that kept his attention.

Like? Pony rides!

Watch out Cheley, here he comes!
Until, the horse made a sound. And there was freak'age had by Coop.
Jungle gym!!!! Ahhhh!!!!

What's over there? I've gotta check it out!

DAAAAAMN! That slide is FAST!
There was also this huge multi-level wooden pirate ship that had kids pretending in all sorts ways and acting out a million roles and scenarios. You could go down into the big hull - and it was like Lord of the Flies in there. Fun to watch Cooper hold his own with all the bigger kids who were running around. Thatta boy!

In line. Waiting for what? We don't remember.

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