Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Remainder Of The Weekend

On Friday, Cooper's grandpa drove up to the city and picked him up since we had our party that night. Our usual "babysitters", Michael and Christina, were invited to the party - so that was poor planning on our part, huh? All good! Are you kidding? Maria's parents were so excited to spend a little quality time with Cooper. And anyway, it was his first experience taking a ride in the truck! He absolutely loved it.

Planned on picking him up for a party in the afternoon on Saturday, but that didn't seem to work out. Better for Cooper to stay healthy and not be around so many people at once. So he stayed in Jersey, and we went to Susie/Miriam's that night. Lots of fun and lots of people. We had a great time. And what time did we leave the bar? 3am? That is a pretty freakin' long 'one more - no more'! Have to get those pics from them! So love Toni and Lou. Life's a beach! And North Face puff-jackets are the "new black". Gringa called that fashion.

Home to Jersey on Sunday. Nice day. Hung out with the twins. Cooper was "corraled" so he didn't get too friendly with the Christmas tree. Lori took a nap on the sofa. Maria provided snacks and silly jokes for the three boys. A nice relaxing day. Headed to Maria's grandparent's house for Sunday Dinner around 5:30pm.

Cooper went to town at dinner! He stole all the provolone from our antipasto salad, and then proceeded to eat vegetables, baked potato, meatloaf, and bread. Maria's parents fed Cooper spaghetti on Friday night.... Need to post THOSE pics on the blog!
We played with the puzzles a bit, but Cooper gained more enjoyment in picking it up and letting all the pieces fall out. Harvard, here he comes. Hey, baby steps!

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