Monday, December 28, 2009

Micioni Non-Christmas

The Micioni Family has a tradition of getting together a week or so before Christmas to ensure all can spend a day celebrating the holiday with as many family members in attendance as possible. The host home rotates on a yearly basis, and 2009 landed everyone at Peter/Beth's place.
Unfortunately the snow threw a wrench into these best laid plans, so the party got postponed until Sunday. This in turn messed up the spending of family time for Jimmy/Kim/kids who flew up from Florida just for the party! For some strange reason Spirit thought they would be the only airline on the East Coast to not cancel flights. Idiots. So they were stuck delayed for hours and hours at the Atlantic City Airport instead of enjoying homemade pepperoni bread in Fair haven. Maybe next year!

This is approx 1/4 of all the cousins. Maria is the oldest of 20 first cousins. Then we have Alex, Mark, and Cooper in the next generation slot thus far. Madness.

Sarah is SO good with Cooper, and he absolutely loves her.
Cooper. The center of attention. Again!
So much wine, so little time.
BUTT we want to go outside and play in the snow!
The new bar area in Peter/Beth's house. We like it. A lot. And the heated floors were a good choice! Lori has decided she is going to move in to the boat house. FYI.

Another thing enjoyed at this traditional Micioni function is a ravioli recipe that has been in the family for generations. A kept copy of the ingredients and cooking instructions are handwritten by Maria's great great grandmother, and seriously - these are the best raviolis in the entire world. Amazing.

Cooper received some great gifts from all the aunts and uncles.
The twins got these balancing birds from Ellen and Donny, and they were an instant hit with the boys! They tried them out on every possible surface.
The three of us went into the family room for two mins of alone time.
Hey Uncle Peter, please remember that Cooper is going to welcome all the male bonding that goes on at Giants games in a few short years. Put him on your list!
Quiet time with Grandma.

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