Wednesday, December 9, 2009

'Run Around' Saturday

The holiday season is absolutely upon us, and we know this due to our party schedule this past Saturday night. We successfully hit three in one evening. Pretty good stat! Very disappointed we couldn't manage Amy's soiree, but it just wasn't do'able. Maria will have to put a bottle of wine in her box at Sorenson the next time she is down there.

First stop? Chelsea.
Stuart has a great place, and it was really nice to hang out with the boys for a while. What was that dish with the bacon in it? So delicious. Great group of guys. Wish we could have stayed a longer.

Maria's friend Jen invited us to the CD release party for Devlin Miles - a very talented singer/songwriter. We cab'ed it to Bleeker and met up with Jen at a table in the middle of the venue. Great music. So happy we trucked down there. Thanks so much Jen!

This is a very cool club that is characteristically typical of Greenwich Village so small and dark and rich in NYC music history. So many artists got their start here, and we thoroughly enjoyed Devlin's entire set. Even bought the CD!

Final destination?
Alan and Brian's party. Always a good time, and the guest list has been cut down over the years. There was a time when it wasn't an oddity to have 100+ people were in attendance! Great food. Lots of good friends. And everyone looked beautiful. We wanted to stay longer, but needed to get home and relieve the babysitters.

The babysitters were kids on Maria's team from Lexington. Teresa and Monique played with Cooper, ordered pizza for themselves, and hung out until we got home around 1:30am. All good! Teresa told Maria at practice the following week that the duo grabbed Dunkin Donuts after departing us, and then stayed there until 3:30am! Craziness. Maria is going to have to kill them if they do it again. And? They are both "stalkers" and read this blog religiously...... (REALLY GUYS - I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU RUN LAPS IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN) Go home! :)

1 comment:

DevlinMiles said...

Thank you ladies so much for coming to the show! So glad Jen has such a good influence on you that we were able to fit in that crazy party hopping schedule! I hope to see you again soon, ready to sing-a-long, now that you have the "Autumn's Fires" cd!
