Saturday, December 5, 2009

Around The House

Felt like we were constantly on the go this week with work, business meals, appointments, etc etc. We absolutely had a TGIF moment last night when we realized we had nothing on our calendar. Actually, we had wanted to go see Van's volleyball game, but Cooper made that decision for us when he was exhausted and needed to go to bed early.

So we enjoyed the Indian food Lori brought home - dal makhani, chicken tikka masala, garlic naan, poori, and vegetable samosas. Shared a bottle of wine while watching some CHEESY movies on TV. Seriously cheesy - Home Alone and then Christmas With The Kranks on FX. That is how we spent our Friday night. We are pretty pitiful, huh?

We have these two big storage boxes on the shelves in the living room that contain the books and toys that Cooper plays with on a daily basis. It is easier than making these things commute from the bedroom, and also "hides" them in plain sight.
Cooper knows which box contains his books and which one shelters his toys. And he is starting to really show his preferences by digging through to find his favorite stories. Cooper can sit for an amazingly long time reading with us, and he complains when the book is finished. He is even cute when he fusses.There is now a moratorium on blueberries after Cooper broke out in a nasty diaper rash. Turns out that this type of reaction is normal, and his body may not be ready to digest a whole helping of the fruit. Not too many additional tastes this week - just swiss cheese and grilled fish. Oh, he did have a bite of vegetable samosa. (loved it)

Since the 12-month-old mark is when we can make the switch from formula to whole milk, we are starting to introduce some now. Cooper is down to 3 bottles a day (first thing in AM, before PM nap, bedtime), and we are filling them with 2/3 formula and 1/3 milk. We will keep increasing the percentage of milk until he makes the full switch over. So far so good.

Hanging out today. Most likely will get the Christmas stuff down in preparation for our party next weekend. We have THREE parties to attend tonight. So want to make them all, but will probably only get to two of them. Babysitter is coming at 6pm. And then tomorrow? Christmas tree. The finest one can purchase on all of 145th Street.

Will get a post of Stonewall Honors as soon as the pics are sent to us!

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