Monday, November 30, 2009

Voyage Southward

On Wednesday morning we traveled all the way to Arkansas to spend Thanksgiving with Cooper's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Worried about on the front end of the trip because Maria woke up sick on Tuesday morning, but in the classic Maria-fashion she made her way downtown to work.... And then had to bail after less than two hours when she couldn't take it any more. Canceled the rest of her schedule, went to the doctor (diagnosis - VIRUS), and crashed for the rest of the day. Luckily, she felt much better after all that rest! The three of us grabbed all the bags (that Lori had to pack) and headed off on our excursion. Flying first class does make the flight so much more enjoyable!

Whew! Grandma! It has been so long!
Waited and waited for Robyn/Matt/boys and Mike/Jane/kids to arrive on Wednesday night. Volume of the house certainly rose when they all made the scene. Man, those kids are all so tall! Range in ages from 6 to 16 years old. Everyone was disappointed that Cooper hit the hay so early, but the weekend was just beginning!

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