Monday, November 23, 2009

Tasting Party

Maria and her friend Debra hosted a party on Friday night at our apartment. Must have been the perfect date to have an event, because the highest count of guests hit 60 at one point. Luckily the apartment in laid out in a way where you can have those numbers without feeling the least bit claustrophobic.

The parties this duo (used to be a trio, we miss Abby!) puts on are more of a focused kind.... There is a central food "theme" that half the guests tote in, and the other half are responsible for a bottle of wine. Past parties had themes of cheese, beer, nuts, bread, etc - and there are rules! You can't bring some cheddar from a grocery store or some Bud from the corner bodega. The point is to take advantage of being in NYC and try and be as creative as possible. Guests have most definitely taken on this challenge!

This party's theme? Vegetarian. Wanted to give everyone broad possibilities as to what concoction they would conjure up. Amazing results! Can't even remember everything that was on the table, and we had so many dishes that the overflow managed to find its way to the coffee table.

Usually the party requires Maria and Debra to provide the "extras" like pizza at the beer party, or like the crackers, sopressata, and etc at the cheese party. But at this party? We were home free. We didn't have to do a thing except clean up at the end. All good! This really allowed a newly-married Debra and a newly-mom'ed Maria to enjoy this party without the stress.

Tune in again in the Spring for news of the next shindig!

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