Monday, November 23, 2009

Vigil For Jorge Mercado

Last night there was a vigil held on Christopher Street to honor the memory of Jorge Mercado - a 19 year old man who was brutally BRUTALLY murdered in Puerto Rico because he was gay. Won't get into the horrific details, but you can check out various news articles for more information.All together there were 20 cities gathered all over the country for simultaneous memorials to show support for Jorge's family and friends, as well as unifying as a community to call attention to this tragedy. The government of Puerto Rico has been silent in regards to how they plan to go about prosecuting this case, and it would be a horrible injustice if it was categorized as anything than a hate crime.

An interpreter was needed for the speeches, so Maria did the right thing and donated her time for this very touching vigil. Many many New York City politicians spoke, as well as reps from GLAAD, The Center, Latino Coalition, and others.
A lead investigator in Puerto Rico (who, thankfully, is now off the case) gave an interview to Telemundo about the tragic circumstances, and he stated that people partaking in this kind of "lifestyle" should "know when they go out on the street" that "something like this could happen" to them. Why do people feel the need to blame the victim?

Now, we are out on the streets each and every day.....
So following this official's logic, anything that happens to us is our own fault due to the make up of our family. This means we should we have to actively fear decapitation?

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