Monday, May 18, 2009

The Sunday That Wouldn't Die

Had a GREAT weekend, but feel like we didn't stop moving at all! Will post pictures of Fling'Stock and the Spring Fling as soon as we get some forwarded to us! The two downpours were very short-lived and survive'able, and Kim/Michele have that shindig down to a science.

Home from Brewster on Saturday night, and hung out with Arlene/Suzanne and a friend of theirs for a little while. Maria tried to make brownies for them (damn, no eggs), went to the store for a cake Arlene could appreciate (bought double chocolate by mistake), so we just went over there empty-handed. Very bad guests, huh?

Sunday. Can you say 'over-extended'???

1. AIDS Walk New York. 9am.
Maria interpreted the opening ceremonies.

2. Church. 11am.
Since we won't be around all Summer, we wanted to make sure we made it to services at St. Paul / St. Andrew's Methodist Church. Great to speak to Manny and Julia to confirm Cooper's baptism.

3. Brunch. 1pm.
We attended a post-AIDS Walk get together at Monica and Ellen's place. So good seeing them while they are in town from Atlanta!

4. Ninth Ave Food Festival. 2:30pm.
We walked from the Upper Westside all the way down to the beginning of the festival on 57th Street. Ate our way down - Thai food, fried Oreos (of course), and a gyro to share. Too bad we were too stuffed for the pierogis or churasco.

5. Mary Poppins. 4pm
Maria's parents, Liza/Todd, and the twins all went to see Mary Poppins and had a great time. The boys even showed off their skill at the 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' song. Walked over to Carmine's with them, but we weren't able to stay for dinner.

6. Rally. 5pm.
HRC worked with B'way Impact to organize a rally in front of David Patterson's office. The turnout has been estimated to be 25,000 people. Anthony Hayes worked his butt off, and the event was just perfect. Way to go Anthony! Lots of famous names/faces. Will post pictures soon.

And poor poor Cooper..... The kid just wanted to take one nap that wasn't interupted all day, and I don't think that happened! We got home and he simply crashed a little after 8:30. He took advantage of his time in his own bed - slept 11 hours last night! Luckily we will be back on schedule today. We know he is relieved.

And us? We fell asleep on the sofas by 9pm.

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