Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Don't think we have any pictures from Memorial Day! (Sarah, did you take any?) We don't remember! Did we really have THAT much wine? Memory loss? Shame on us!

Had a really great weekend. We got up to the lake late Thursday night, and it is always nice to wake up knowing we have days and days of relaxation ahead. Even though we were SO BUMMED that it wasn't in the stars for Mel/Suzanne to be able to spend the weekend with us, we were happy to have Red/Suzanne and Van/Sarah able to come up and play!

Menu highlights?
Skirt steak, ribs, coleslaw, guacamole, egg concoctions, cupcakes, beer, leftovers, and (of course) Helluva Good.

Activity highlights?
Golf, hike around the lake, Julie/Andrea's, Sand Beach, quality time, cracking up with Cooper, fire, and oh yeah - the dock is in.

Gorgeous weather all weekend, and we even got a little color! A huge shocker is the fact that we hit NO traffic on the way back into the city on Monday. Met up with Mel and Suzanne (and Van!) for dinner. Walked home. Happy we had such a chill and low-key weekend, because we have plans EVERY NIGHT this week.

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