Monday, May 4, 2009

Equality & Justice Day

The three of us (and Anthony) headed up to Albany on Tuesday, April 28th for Equality & Justice Day. There were over 2500 people were in attendance, and it gave us all the opportunity to sit and talk with our assembly and state senate representatives.

We left at 7am, and headed to the State Capital Building. The day opened up with speeches by David Patterson, Tom Duane, Daniel O'Donnell, and others. Everyone congregated around their districts, and Cooper got quite a lot of attention as the day's youngest lobbyist.

We met with Assemblyman Herman D. Farell Jr in the morning.
Alan Cummings emcee'd the festivities outside.

Hanging out with Anthony.

All in all it was a fantastic day. Built lots of momentum. We are lucky in that our assemblyman and our state senator, Bill Perkins, are both supporters of equality, have open minds/hearts, and have been up in Albany with wonderful track records on a great many issues.

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