Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Children's Museum

Cooper usually has swimming lessons at the pool across the way from us on Tuesdays, but unfortunately Maria left her suit up at the lake house last weekend. Not to worry. It was really a bit on the cold side anyway that morning, so missing one class is not such a big deal.

But what to do? The two were up and ready for an excursion. After much deliberation, Maria decided to take Cooper to The Children's Museum of Manhattan on the Upper Westside. There were several areas worth exploring: Gods, Myths, and Mortals, Toys: The Inside Story, and Adventures with Dora and Diego.

But the best area is Playworks, for the 'Under 4' set.

Of course, the first thing the kid saw and made a beeline for was the huge firetruck with enough buttons and bells and steering wheels and whistles to occupy an entire room of preschoolers.

He hung out in the kitchen/store area for a while.
Nothing beats burning off a little energy!
This little girl explained wind energy to a very attentive Cooper.
He also had time to apply some math fundamentals.
Cooper saw this area and yelled, "Ball! Ball! Ball!" as he ran over to it.
Water! All sorts of water play with the City Splash exhibit.

Like the firetruck, there is a city bus for the kids.

Just like an MTA employee....
Cooper played at the sand tables for quite a long time.

Why can't I get this bike to go anywhere.
So many more things to play with! So little time!
Hey Mom, I want this puzzle please.
The Children's Museum of Manhattan - I love it here!

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