Thursday, August 26, 2010


I will not fall asleep. I will not fall asleep. I will not......


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mel, Oh Mel

Where, oh where has our Mel gone?

We know she is still in the city, and we know this project has got her burning the midnight oil. Do you think we will be able to see her before she heads back to the other coast? We hope so!


Cooper was SO FUNNY doing "rasberries" on Maria's stomach.
We were all CRACKING UP the whole entire time!

Children's Museum

Cooper usually has swimming lessons at the pool across the way from us on Tuesdays, but unfortunately Maria left her suit up at the lake house last weekend. Not to worry. It was really a bit on the cold side anyway that morning, so missing one class is not such a big deal.

But what to do? The two were up and ready for an excursion. After much deliberation, Maria decided to take Cooper to The Children's Museum of Manhattan on the Upper Westside. There were several areas worth exploring: Gods, Myths, and Mortals, Toys: The Inside Story, and Adventures with Dora and Diego.

But the best area is Playworks, for the 'Under 4' set.

Of course, the first thing the kid saw and made a beeline for was the huge firetruck with enough buttons and bells and steering wheels and whistles to occupy an entire room of preschoolers.

He hung out in the kitchen/store area for a while.
Nothing beats burning off a little energy!
This little girl explained wind energy to a very attentive Cooper.
He also had time to apply some math fundamentals.
Cooper saw this area and yelled, "Ball! Ball! Ball!" as he ran over to it.
Water! All sorts of water play with the City Splash exhibit.

Like the firetruck, there is a city bus for the kids.

Just like an MTA employee....
Cooper played at the sand tables for quite a long time.

Why can't I get this bike to go anywhere.
So many more things to play with! So little time!
Hey Mom, I want this puzzle please.
The Children's Museum of Manhattan - I love it here!

Monday, August 23, 2010


A great Upper Westside place to grab a coffee and dessert is Cafe Lalo on 83rd between B'way and Amsterdam.

It isn't a strange occurrence to have to wait for a table in the cramped quarters, and it is also the place where Meg Ryan waited for her blind date (Tom Hanks) in 'You've Got Mail'. It is really a great place.

So while walking down 83rd with Cooper, Maria spied the secret that has been behind the amazing desserts at Cafe Lalo.

Veniero's. Two delivery guys were bringing boxes and boxes inside.

Veniero's is an amazing Italian bakery located in the East Village on 11th and 1st Avenue, and has been supplying desserts to NYC since the 1800s. Wandering in there very late at night and picking up a cannoli or sfogliatella or other pastry was on everyone's mind when in the vicinity of Veniero's. Always people on line. Love this place.

And now.....
We know the secret behind Cafe Lalo's heavenly confections.
(Italians, of course!)

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Toddler Taco

Duggan Days

Mary and Bill Duggan! Celebrating 50 years of marriage!

And man, do they know how to throw a party. Duggans from near and far made their way the festivities.

A gathering of some Duggan women.

Blonds have more fun.
Owen! How cute is he?
Ben and Cooper giving Owen some life advice.
Larry, Moe, and Curly.
Teamwork kids, teamwork.
Can I see your ID young man?
I feel the need..... The need, for SPEED.
Lori on 'Cooper Watch'.

Ready? PULL!
I N C O M I N G ! ! ! !
Hey, haven't we seen you on Law & Order?
The kids created these GREAT tshirts for their grandparents.
This was AWESOME. Lori rigged a tarp and sheet on a line across the deck. She hooked up a projector to the laptop and the speakers. Suzanne and Ben were in charge of quality control and customer satisfaction. All brought out chairs and aerobeds and blankets and pillows. Maria popped a jillion bags of popcorn. Every kid enjoyed watching 'Harry Potter' al fresco. Probably 15 kids total, and a couple of parents. It was way cool.
Aidan. Cooper had such a good time running around with him!
Damn it! Forgot the keys! Again!
A gaggle of Duggans.
50 years. Congrats to Mary and Bill!