Thursday, June 24, 2010

Count Dracula(s)

Bats. Vampire bats.

Desmodus Rotundos.

And they have got to go.

So these extras from Twilight movies seem to have decided to come Upstate for an extended Highland Lake vacation, and have moved in to cramped quarters in the space between the exterior of the house and the window. Of course they are not vampire bats, but we were not having it. No vacancy. Get the hell out! Lori, manned with industrial strength wasp spray, aimed and fired in these cracks to serve their eviction notice. And they definitely got the hint!

One by one the varmints they fled the scene. It was a mass exodus. Lori started counting out loud as each escaped to find refuge elsewhere. One, two, three, four, and so on. Any guesses as how many squatters we were harboring? Do you think maybe 10? Or even 20? Possibly more?

32. Yes, 32. Thirty-two.

Treinta y uno. 32.

There were 32 freakin' bats.

32 bats flew out.

We banged on the window frame to make sure we didn't have any stubborn ones refusing to evacuate. Banged inside and outside, and are 100% confident that all the buggers relocated and project 'Bat Be Gone' was deemed an absolute success.

Now officially deemed "off limits" and cauked closed.

Now on the breakfast menu on Lakeview Drive.

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