Thursday, January 15, 2009

Real World

Maria had the greatest time out and about yesterday!  Her existence seems to have mainly been limited to Cooper (NOT complaining), coaching at Lexington, grocery shopping at Pathmark, and hanging at home.  Even though it was quite cold, she had on her long underwear (TMI?) and Cooper was absolutely content in the stroller under the weather shield - so they were off and on their way!

The pediatrician's office is located across the street from the American Museum of Natural History, so Maria did errands and they shopped their way all around the Upper Westside.  Again, it has been tough for Maria to be grounded and needing to stay so close to home, so she was out and walking for HOURS.  It was so fab to finally get some exercise! She made her way from Lincoln Center, jumped from B'way to Amsterdam to Columbus, and decided to walk all the way home to 145th Street!  She and Cooper probably did 5 miles all in all. Can we say again how happy Maria was to be able to do this?  So thankfully she had the opportunity before the cold, wind, and frigid temperatures set in! 

Some of their stops:

Today was yet another adventure.  
It was the first day that we had Clara come to babysit Cooper. She is so wonderful, and her and her family have been close friends of Maria's for over 15 years now.  Clara's two boys are really all grown up now, but she naturally falls into synch with infants and children.  We are so lucky to be able to have her take care of Cooper when Maria goes back to work!  

That being said..... 
Maria went to Lexington to coach today, and with every step away from the apartment she became more and more heartbroken that she left her little boy!   Clara is so good with Cooper, but Maria wanted to be the one spending time with him! LoL  Maria even called her mother to complain she wasn't a 'trust fund kid' so she and Lori could afford to stay home with Cooper all the time and not worry about anything! LoL Maybe the lottery is an option?  You have to be 'in it to win it', right? There is always that dream of selling everything and the three of us opening a scuba diving shop in Belize - lounging on the beach is looking pretty good right about now!

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