Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Week Photos

Had lots and lots of visitors on Cooper's birthday! Maria's mom, dad, sister came in to the city. It was so great to see Michele, Liz, Van, Sarah, and Georgie! They came bearing gifts and doughnuts. :-) And we were so lucky that Mel happened to be in town - it meant a lot to Lori (and Maria too) that she was able to see Cooper at the absolute start of his life.  We could accommodate all these people only because Lori was very sweet and booked a private room for Maria - we earned and deserved the comfort, right?

Cooper's grandmother was a tad emotional.

The godmother in action!

A little bonding time.

We swear, his eyes were open and looking at the TV!  
Missouri Tigers won!
We requested an early discharge from the hospital, so we were able to head home late Tuesday afternoon after Cooper and Maria were medically cleared.  Of course, this was also after Lori and Mel finally figured out the inner workings of the carseat!

Two heads are better than one. 

Cooper's favorite place.

Three days old.

Ready to brave the weather and head to our doctor appointment.

His one-week appointment went well.  Doctor was impressed on how alert and active he is, but Cooper did lose a little weight - normal, but now he is even more of a peanut since he now weighs in at 5lbs 11oz!  We have to start making sure he eats every 3 hrs instead of every 4 hours, and even if it means waking him up to do so.  The doctor had to take blood from his heel to test his jaundice levels..... And for a kid that hasn't discovered the "joys" of crying yet - he certainly screamed his head off!  Test results came back in the 'normal' range. Whew!  Will have weekly appointments for the next 6 weeks or so to monitor his progress.

Maria and Cooper ventured out today!  Big adventures: bank, drug store, and grocery store.  Never were errands so great!  Maria is used to walking at least a couple of miles a day around the city, and has been laying low this past week.  The best part about her time on the outside? 

Coffee!  Real live coffee!  Dunkin donuts coffee rules! Maria had the whole cup. Hot, a little milk, no sugar, and no guilt about drinking caffeine - perfection! She even had a doughnut with it.  Damn it, she deserves it! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is so awesome. what a great way to keep track of you guys. welcome to the epideral part of life. love the pics, especially the blood splattering on the walls. Lori you just dont know your own strength.