Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas and Christmas

It seems that Christmas refused to end with us!  

We headed to Jersey on Dec 20th for the 'Micioni Family Christmas' with all the aunts/uncles/cousins on her dad's side of the family.  Her father is the oldest of 7 siblings, and she has 20 cousins between the ages of 3 through 27 - so they get together a week before Christmas for dinner and a gift exchange.  The traditional meal is a homemade ravioli that Maria's great great grandmother used to make.  Delicious.  
The next day we celebrated what was dubbed 'The Micioni Non-Christmas' at Maria's parents house.  Michael/Christina were headed to Indiana for the holidays, and since Lori was soon leaving for Missouri - we all got together to make sure there was no time lapse in the gift-giving!
Lori flew in to Little Rock to her parents place for a day or two, and then they drove up (10 hours!) to Jefferson City to see Robyn, Matt, and the boys.  The kids were THRILLED to see Aunt Lori!  Of course she came with RockBand II and a myriad of other MTV stuff.  
After spending time at the testosterone-filled household, the next stop was St. Louis to see Mike/Jane, Kelly, Michael, Caroline, and Sam.  We got to hang out with Kelly when she visited NYC last year, but it has been forever since Aunt Lori got some time in with the rest of the Megown Clan!
Maria had an equally busy holiday.  Dinner on Christmas Eve was spent at a nice restaurant, and Mark was very happy he got to sit next to Aunt 'Ria.  Afterwards all headed to Karen and Randy's house to open presents. 
Since Todd was on the midnight shift Christmas Week, Liza and the boys stayed over and had the morning with us before heading home when Todd got up to see what Santa Claus brought them.  
There was nothing about this holiday that was relaxing for either one of us!  One thing can be counted on - ALL of our nieces/nephews were adequately spoiled as long as we were around.  

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