Monday, August 3, 2009

St. Louis And Philly

The last couple of days have been BUSY BUSY for us both.  Cooper was spoiled beyond belief at Mike/Jane's, and the kids had a great time showing him more attention than he knew what to do with!  While on the phone with Lori, Maria relayed a promise of a whole $1 to the kid that could get Cooper to roll over first.  There is a unconfirmed report at this point that the dog, Pippin, may be deemed the big winner. Guess we have to review the videotape before rendering a verdict. 

Maria is in Philly for the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf national conference.  Over 3,000 interpreters have converged on The City of Brotherly Love for the week, and she is hardly able to breathe with the workshops, business meetings, fundraisers, dinners, and of course the daily gathering in the bar downstairs.  She and Lou have been to bed at 4am the last two nights.  And now that they have moved in with Debbie and Toni?  Those four together can not be trusted. Lots of laughs and lots of incriminating photos!

Lori and Cooper are now in Jefferson City with Robyn/Matt and the boys.  All are having a blast, and Cooper is laughing himself into exhaustion because of those guys!  

Maria is going though Cooper withdrawl.... 

Each of us are so looking forward to being reunited on Thursday!

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