Monday, August 17, 2009


Ok, there is a running joke with Maria because she is vehemently opposed to SpaghettiOs and any other pasta-in-a-can crap that is out there to be sold.  Her father would never allow a child of his to abandon their Italian roots and eat such a thing.  

So what did the Harts boys do with this information? (they are dead meat) (lori and robyn too) They bought a can of this vile sludge, poured it out on Cooper's tray, and let him go to town!  Now, they didn't truly let him taste it since that would be the worst possible thing for his system.  But those sadists rubbed it on his stomach and face and had the camera ready to capture the scene.
 You can see on his face that Cooper knows there is something wrong.

The can was opened with a safety seal thing, and Lori was right there out of the shot supervising Cooper very closely.  Fine.  But the whole event is just an abomination against humanity.  SpaghettiOs!  What is next?  Chef Boyardee and Kool Aid?  (don't even try it Harts)

Blast from the past.

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