Friday, April 15, 2011

Chuck E. Cheese

Chuck E. Cheese. Yes, it is true. Maria actually willingly took Cooper rodent-themed mecca for overstimulation and overindulgence.What caused this lapse of judgement?

Honestly? It wasn't all that bad. But timing is KEY in the planning of this excursion. Another family of a toddler in the building told us that it was a nice little trip on a weekday morning. Had to see it to believe it. Maria bundled up the two boys and started out on the walk to 125th Street to the Chuck E. Cheese - Harlem location.

We sent this picture to Christina with the tale of our mouse-laden activity. Christina's reply gave us the idea and the permission to bring Carter into the ball pit. Why did she think allowing her infant to spend time in what basically is a petri dish was a good plan? She never actually thought Maria was going to this establishment without some sort of coercion.

Enough talk! Forward, ho!

If you ever do feel the need to go to this type of place - go in the morning! Lots of staff. Lots of cleaning going on. And no kids! I think there were three other children in the entire place, and the number may have been all of ten kids at any given time. I suppose on a normal Saturday this place would house hundreds.

The guy at the desk was shocked I had no coupons with me. He said EVERYONE uses coupons. Coupons? For a 'family pack' that included pizzas and soda? For a jillion tokens for $10 instead of 50 tokens for the same price? Cooper is two years old. 50 tokens will suffice.

Cooper saw this 'Bob the Builder' immediately. Backhoe! Backhoe!
He so wanted to play in this whole climbing structure, but he was a little too short to be able to get his legs up and climb up through all the tunnels. Really for kids 4 years old and up.

Talk to me Chuck.
Cooper played so many games....
And didn't have a clue as to what he needed to do.
Basketball. Now that is a game that Cooper (thinks he) plays like a pro. Yes, there are rules at Chuck E. Cheese about standing on the games and playing appropriately and whatnot. But was at 11am. And Cooper was being so very cute. Staff gave us a 'get out of jail free' card and allowed the kid to practice his jumpshots.
Who's the big winner? CARTER is the big winner!
Cooper finished up his tokens, then he and Maria split an individual 'pizza pie' before heading for home. Oh, and with Cooper's tickets? He picked out a plastic black cobra and a big plastic spider. What a typical BOY, huh? On the way home the poor kid was falling asleep while standing up on the stroller. Exhausted. Good day.

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