Friday, May 14, 2010

Creatures - Part I

Grabbed a burger with Liza/Todd, the boys, Michael/Christina, and Casey/Jeannie before heading in to Coral World. This cafe actually had great food, but with one negative aspect:

Iguanas. There must have been 10 of them actively trying to snag dropped or discarded food. And these suckers were huge! If you measured them nose to tail - they were way bigger than Cooper.

How did Cooper handle things? Fear? NO WAY. The kid thought these monsters were the funniest thing going. He cracked up at their wacky way of "galloping" as he chased them across the patio. And older kid, probably around 4 years old, was trying to enlist Cooper's help to rid his table from quite a large scavenger at one point.

Lori was trying to slow Cooper down a bit, but he wouldn't hear of it!
Advice to live by.

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