Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Temperamentals

Theatre! It has been so long!

We had tickets to go see the Off-Broadway show The Temperamentals last week. Admittedly, we didn't know much about the history that inspired this play to be written before being seated. This ensemble cast each gave incredible performances that showcased their talent and versatility. The venue that housed this production was New World Stages, and it was our first visit to this space.

After curtain? We had an invitation to a post-performance cocktail party at the new home of one of the show's producers. Approx 50 of us enjoyed the 360 degree views from the penthouse apartment on the 48th floor in the heart of the theatre district. We all strolled around the home admiring the the amazing decor and well-known original pieces of art. One of his assistants did an impromptu demo showing how the amenities and inner workings of the entire abode could be controlled from the iPad she was holding. (must be nice, huh?) The cast, other producers, director, and playwright soon joined the party as well. Really had a wonderful evening!

We would have like to stay a little longer, but we couldn't push our luck with our wonderful and generous (and FREE) babysitters, Michael and Christina.

See what happens when we are late? Cooper spent his "quality" play time with his aunt and uncle in a suitcase. I guess it is better than the ottoman, right?

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