Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hell Or Bust

Well, we can all rest easy. Rev. Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh have absolutely secured their rightful places in Hell. If this fiery location does exist - they will most likely have the biggest houses on the block. They are disgusting human beings.

Thought it was bad enough when Robertson, in his infamous blame-the-victim fashion, made statements after the 9/11 and the Katrina tragedies that both these "wraths" were brought on by the gays, abortionists, and feminists. Horrible. And now? This "man of god" has blamed the earthquake in Haiti on the Haitian people because they "made a pact with the devil". Look at the sadness and devastation in the eyes of the people in the photographs and tell me how a moral person can spew out such lies. These are some of the most despicable untruths ever uttered, and the simple fact that his mind can concoct such elaborate and nonsensical theories is scary.

And then we have Rush. Apparently the windbag's court-ordered rehab didn't "take" because when brought to the hospital two weeks ago due to chest pains, he reported he is back on copious amounts of painkillers once again.... Which would explain the altered state required to feel the egotistic need to politicize the death of thousands of men, women, and children.

Trivializing a catastrophe such as this is a disgusting act. This is what it means to be a "christian"? Seriously? I can pretty much bet that Jesus is going to be pissed off at the pair of them. I don't know too much about the pious scorecard of the thrice-divorced, draft-dodging, drug-addicted Limbaugh. But the equally radical religious fundamentalism of both Rev. Pat Robertson and Osama Bin Laden have caused enough destruction and loss in the world.

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