Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hair Hair Hair

This was not Cooper's first haircut....
His first was a horrible horrible cut from a very expensive kid specific salon. It was a horrible cut. It was so horible, that Maria took pictures of Cooper from all angles, attached them to a 'look what your employee did to our son' email, and sent it off to the manager. It should be clear that Maria doesn't play!

So his second haircut was in a barbershop-type place. They did have a little car for Cooper to sit in and a television with Tom & Jerry right in front of him. The woman asked us if we wanted a 'boy cut' for him. A 'boy cut' seemed appropriate!

He thought the clippers were hysterically funny. The woman doing the cut was having a bad day or something, and hardly the nicest of people. She told Maria, "Let me do my job." when Maria asked her something, and Lori had to walk away as the woman quickly (and not with any sort of care) wielded the scissors close to Cooper's eyes.




Cooper did a great job with the whole experience. And he even earned a Munchkin for his efforts. Totally worth it.

Cheers! (Toasting is a new favorite pastime.)

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