Wednesday, March 11, 2009

St. Baldrick's

Maria's 10-year-old cousin Gabriel is doing a pretty cool thing.... He has decided to shave his head for a charity that strives to conquer childrens' cancer! The organization is called St. Baldrick's, and they help to raise awareness and funds to support cancer research.
Gabriel's goal is to raise $300 for this cause, and the shaving will commence on Saturday, March 15th. Please feel free to check out Gabriel's donation page for more information or to donate money to this organization.

Check back next week for Gabriel's 'AFTER' picture!


Matt Griffith said...

Thanks so much for posting this! Gabriel's really excited about this and it's great to see him putting forth his energy to a really great cause.

Love you,

Maria and Lori said...

Are ya kidding? Of course we would donate! Gabriel is my favorite cousin (but dont tell the others!), and I think it is so cool he is doing this!