Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mizzou and Sneakers

Most important news of the hour.....

Tigers are the Big 12 Champions 

Mizzou beat Baylor 73 - 60!  The first conference tournament win for the Tigers in 16 years!  Hooray!  Hoorah!  Mizzou!  Mizzou!

We got outside and walked around a bit today...... 
Union Square farmer's market, Best Buy (decided to go the B&H route instead), Wash Square Park, Greenwich Village, etc etc.  Great to be out and about.  Cooper got a lot of attention while at the Mexican restaurant, and we are getting quite skilled at holding him AND drinking our margaritas at the same time.  

Love these sneakers! Grandma and Grandpa brought them from Arkansas, and we couldn't wait until the fit Cooper!

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