Sunday, November 30, 2008


Went down to the Jersey Shore on Wednesday night, and en route got caught up on the news that Maria's cousin, Jessica Easton, was chosen to be on the homecoming court for Manasquan High School. How great! Decided to bag the parade through town, but met up with everyone at Ellen/Donny's for some post-parade libations. Jessica looked great, and did a fab job representing the freshman class. Congrats Jess!
Thanksgiving - Part I:
This year's dinner was at Karen/Randy's house, and we were so looking forward to the whole meal! Remember, this time last year we were enjoying dinner on the deck of our ship while touring the Galapagos Islands. The Ecuadorians did try to give us Americans as traditional a holiday meal as possible, and while all the food was amazing - it honestly wasn't even close!

Maria's grandfather couldn't get the salad served up fast enough.
Alex and Mark wore Native American costumes they made in school.
Todd and Christina picking over leftovers.
Thanksgiving - Part II:
We drove back home to NYC on Thanksgiving Night to meet up with Lori's parents who were coming to visit us for about a week. So great to see them! Lori and her mom worked all day on Friday to make an amazing belated Thanksgiving meal for us all. The menu consisted of turkey, homemade stuffing, roasted vegetables, potatoes, relish tray, and the most amazing gravy.  And we have enough left over to keep us fed and happy for weeks! Maria's contribution?  She took pictures of the whole process. (now she needs to upload them so we can post a few on the blog)

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goooooood girl said...
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