Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Maria's Baby Shower

So! This was the graphic that accompanied the invitation for the baby shower this past Saturday. Pretty much sums up the scene, huh?

About 50 of Maria's friends came to celebrate with us. The festivities started up at 7pm, and most everyone cleared out by 1am or so. Wine flowed. Lots of food. And we don't think we sat down the entire night! It was really exactly what Maria envisioned - hanging out with her friends, a good time, and a shower where she was not the center of gift-opening attention! Will add pictures as soon as we get some forwarded to us.

Also, this afternoon we have the 3D sonogram appointment, so will hopefully have some cool images to upload as soon as we get in front of a scanner. Plan for the next couple of days? Head to Maria's family in Jersey, spoil Alex and Mark, eat and eat (and eat), drive back for Lori's parents, our home-cooked belated T'giving, buy a car (?), and then back down to Jersey for a family baby shower on Sunday. No rest for the weary....

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