Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Quick News

Haven't posted anything in a while, so we felt the need (and the peer pressure) to add something new.

* Pregnancy. We are at 17 weeks now, and Maria is FINALLY starting to gain some weight. She is hardly complaining that it hasn't begun until now! We are checking out all the pregnancy websites to see what is happening every week. Apparently at 17 weeks the kid is the size of a large onion. This month we also were an orange and an avocado. When will we be out of the produce section???

* Grandpa Kirk. Seems some routine cardiac tests to show there was nothing to worry about proved the exact opposite - Grandpa Kirk needed a triple bypass to be done right away due to 90% blockage. Big surprise. LUCKILY, everything went extremely well in surgery. Grandpa looks great, and is recovering at home. Although I think he is becoming too attached to his body pillow.... :-)

* Vacation. Only 22 days left until we head out to Munich and Prague! Kim/Michele have made all the hotel, beer tent, and etc reservations for the group in Munich. And now we have to get on the ball and book hotel accomodations in Prague! We decided to rent a car and make the drive ourselves. Will be nice to take in the scenery and make some impromptu stops along the way. Have heard such amazing things about this city, and SO looking forward to the entire trip!

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