Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Luke, Poptarts, and Arkansas

LUKE: Well, our week with Luke was truly a blast. We got quite used to calling him The Boy, and it was nice to have someone (other than the two of us) doing all the heavy lifting at the lake. We all took in a performance of Rent, he was an enthusiastic audience member at TRL, and he and his Aunt Lori were successful in their plan to con Maria into letting them purchase an XBox 360.

POPTARTS: Luke kept us laughing! Everything from sending text messages from the john to sleeping in the weirdest positions. On a grocery store run that could ONLY be disastrous since we were all so starved, The Boy, in his ravenous state, picked out Poptarts. He never ate them. Refused to pack them. And unfortunately, FOUND them when I tried to sneak them into his suitcase. We discovered the box and a note that read 'Nice Try' in our kitchen.

ARKANSAS: We hung out with Lori's parents for the weekend! Flew into Little Rock on Thursday, and spent our time at their amazing home in Hot Springs Village. We went into town for lunch, toured bathhouse row, and sampled some of the water from one of the cold springs. Yesterday's weather? Actually hit 104 degrees, but here in NYC was only 84! The three heroes of the group played golf in the unrelenting heat. Maria suffered much less so, and her exertion only came from driving the cart. Lori's parents are so much fun, but unfortunately the weekend flew by way too quickly. We are making plans as to when we can come down again. And soon!

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