Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Air Show

There is a new children's book out, and it is called 'Air Show'

Written by Treat Williams and illustrated by Robert Neubecker.

An interesting fact is that our friend Sarah is Treat's niece.

How did we first hear that Treat wrote a book? We were in the city a few weeks ago, and Lori hung out with Van for most of Saturday before Maria joined after interpreting The Rally, and Sarah met up after seeing her friends. Cooper was asleep in his stroller while we sat outside and enjoyed our libations. It seems that Sarah libated more than we did, and told us SEVERAL TIMES that Treat wrote a children's book. "Did you hear that Treat wrote a book?" "So my Uncle Treat is an author now." "Hey guys, there is a brand new children's book out, and Treat wrote it." Yes Sarah.

Lucky us, we got to see the duo again on Sunday! Sarah was taking care of some work, so we hung out at Wicker Park for a drink and a meal. And when Sarah arrived at the bar? We swear, it took her only a few minutes to announce that Treat wrote a book. We all cracked up! Ah, alcohol. Makes the mind relax a wee bit too much, eh?

So now? A running joke. Did you hear? Did you hear?
Uncle Treat wrote a book! (we love you sarah!)

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