Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Palin Won't Die

Top Ten Reasons Palin Is Resigning As Governor

10.  She is pregnant again and having John Edwards' baby.

9.  She is hiking the Appalachian Trail with Mark Sanford. 

8.  She wants to spend more time teaching abstinence to her family.

7.  She is joining the cast of 'I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here'.

6.  She finally cracked under the strain of watching Russia from her house.

5.  She wants to devote herself full-time to making comedians apologize for the jokes they're about to unleash on her.

4.  Her daughter Bristol is actually having Alex Rodriguez's baby.

3.  She's taking up Playboy's offer to pose nude as part of their "Governors Gone Wild" issue.

2.  She came to the end of the 'Bridge to Nowhere' that is her political career.

1.  She didn't resign at all. It was an elaborate hoax pulled off by Tina Fey.

Doesn't she have handlers that proofread her speeches?  I mean, we all have had multiple painful experiences listening to her attempt to speak coherently without prepared comments.  But her resignation? She was reading text off an index card and still didn't make sense. There is a strong disconnect in what she picks up  in "ALL of the newspapers and magazines" she has up in Alaska and what those terms/concepts actually mean.  She stated in her resignation that she didn't want to be a "lame duck" in office.  

A "lame duck" politician is one whose power is diminished because he is soon to leave office as a result of DEFEAT or TERM LIMITS.  Palin is only 2 1/2 years into her term.  She could run again if she wanted to do right by Alaska.  She could finish out her commitment, deal with the 16 lawsuits regarding her questionable ethics, and not spend time picking a part-time ghostwriter for her autobiography.  Instead?  She is resigning so she can fly around the country and rake in $$ for public appearances - something she was not able to do while seated as governor.  

And the idiotic Palin quote of the week:

"Only dead fish go with the flow."    
---Sarah Palin, quitting, July 3, 2009

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