Friday, July 31, 2009

BLT Prime

Celebrated Lori's birthday last night with a fabulous dinner at BLT Prime in Gramercy Park.  

BLT Prime is one of the five BLT Restaurants opened by Chef Laurent Tourondel.  To date, we have dined at BLT Burger and BLT Fish, so we are now more than halfway through the empire.  

So happy Elaine could join us and we could catch up! Michael and Christina had better eat those top-notch leftovers, but we owe them so much more for being great about watching Cooper for us.  
Happy Birthday Lori!

Poor Planning

Came across these pictures.  Someone should have disclosed the advertising specifics of neighboring billboards before contracts were signed, don't you think?

Childhood obesity and McDonald's.
Guns and caskets.
Jesus and boobies.

So this was either very poor planning.....
Or a clever and absolutely successful counter-balance.  
(we are thinking poor planning)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Lori

So how did Lori start off her birthday this morning? 

* H  U  N  G  O  V  E  R  * 

Thanks Georgie and Noreen!

It will be a very low-key birthday this year - Lori even needs to be at work since our travels start tomorrow. Going out to dinner tonight with a small group, and then back home to pack/organize so we are ready for the next two weeks.   Much to do.

Once we are finally back in town, we will have to have a more proper get-together in mid or late August.  And maybe shots and nachos will play a part in that shindig too..... 

Although feeling pretty confident that Lori will enjoy a cupcake and a candle before this day comes to a close.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

These storms are just unreal and unbelievable!!! We think the crash of thunder and intenseness of lightning is way cool, but my god - can't remember another time with this many storms happening! But we can now say that Cooper is quite adept at sleeping through Harlem's barrage of emergency vehicles AND the storms of NYC '09.

A couple of pictures of the city.

Carrying on with the theme of this post.....

Diving Right In

Highland Lake! Cooper's first experience truly "swimming" in the lake.

He absolutely loves the water. Could stay in for hours!

Splashing is a high point!

How soon before he gets up on skis?

This was the first of many Summer days being spent in the water!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Up Up And Away

Cooper took his first crack on a swing set.
We think his squeals of delight meant "HIGHER! HIGHER!".

Monday, July 27, 2009

Van'abration II

We had our last group celebration for Van's '45 Alive' birthday. For anyone who isn't aware, Van does not simply celebrate her birthday, she celebrates her birthMONTH. Van'apalooza. We love her.

Sarah organized a surprise get-together at the Heidelberg on the Upper Eastside. Great group of people, and besides dealing with a little predictable idiocy, an amazing time was had by all!

Love love love Georgie, and so great to spend time with Nelli. Where was Michael?  Where was Rochester?  

Good times.

Van was absolutely surprised. Good job Sarah! We still don't know how she convinced Van that a vegetarian wine-drinker was in the mood for a meat-and-beer-laden German place. You rule!

Happy '45 Alive' Vannie! 

Sand Beach

After returning from our motorcycle adventures, we wanted to get a little exercise before chillin' on the dock for the rest of the afternoon. We got Cooper set up in the jogging stroller, and we set off for a walk around the lake.  4.3 miles - not too shabby.

We felt we earned a pit stop to refuel before completing our circle. So at approx 345 degrees from our starting point, we ran in to Sand Beach for a beverage.  Cooper joined us on the bar.  And it was not joining us AT the bar - it was ON the bar.  

Lots of kids running around outside since it was Family Olympics Day this particular Saturday. We watched a pie-eating contest and a pass-the-watermelon game before deciding to snag a table and listen to the band for a bit. Cooper is so funny, he absolutely stops whatever he is doing when he hears music start to play.

We think he was trying to tell us he wanted to go to the lake.  
Yes. The lake. Now.  Please.

Motorcycle Mama

Finally! No rain! The roads are motorcycle'able again!

Lori is still infatuated with her Harley Davidson. And ya gotta admit that it is a cool bike!

Before the sun hit the dock perfectly, we decided to get up/out early and get a few things done - store, breakfast, and inspection of the new car. Lori wanted to get some Harley time in, so we followed her on our trek into Port Jervis.

Motorcycle Mama

Breadstick Bonanza

Cooper is still a bottom-toothed wonder, but he has two on the top which look like they will be showing themselves any minute now. He is a teething fiend, and was THRILLED at his first formal introduction to a food item from the real world.

Since he went to town with the breadstick, we picked him up a box of teething biscuits from Earth's Best. He liked these as well, but they are really kind of gross - they seem to liquify layer by layer. Appetizing, huh?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beach Baby

Long Beach, 

Long Island 


Maria and Cooper hooked up with Van, and the three carted out to Long Beach for some sun, surf, and Randi. Perfect weather. Breezy and warm. Sunny, but not too hot. Cooper snoozed under the umbrella, and we had a very low-key day at the shore.

Cooper loved the water. No, really - he LOVED the water. He would squeal and kick his legs in delight every time a wave came up to his feet. He was thrilled by the whole experience. We all agreed that he looked like he wanted to take off into the surf. The most impressive portion of the day?  We called Lori at work in the hopes we could possibly convince her to bolt early, jump on a train, and come out to meet us.  AND SHE DID IT!  Cool, huh?  We picked her up from the train station after Randi gave us a tour of Long Beach - what a great little town!  Cooper was ecstatic to see his mommy - and we were too.  Our foursome (and a half) stopped in at The Saloon to grab a bite for dinner.  And just our luck.... It was 'Half-Price Wine Bottle Night' at this particular establishment.  How serendipitous.

Such an easy day trip.  Can't wait until we can do it again very soon.

Beach baby, beach baby, give me your hand 
Give me something that I can remember
Just like before we can walk by the shore in the moonlight

Beach baby, beach baby, there on the sand
From July til the end of September
Surfin' was fun we'd be out in the sun every day

Cooper Loves Kim

Cooper is a big fan of Kim.  Huge fan. 

He studies her sense of style.

And tries to emulate her.

He even lets Kim use his stroller to store her beverages.

We have no idea what she was saying, but Cooper was cracking up!

Kim, we so love that you both have taken to each other! 
(and now this post will force you to check out the blog)

Tubes and Eagles

Mark is a rock star.  He got on the tube with Maria without the slightest bit of hesitation, and have you seen people on tubes? Such scariness. Mark was ready/willing/able. He is our hero! Before we set off on the open water we debriefed him about what to expect, and also explained to both boys what happens if the tube tips over. Alex was next. He needed to see his brother have a go at it first, and he had a blast once we got going. Of course, that was all before the great mishap! Christina spotted one of the bald eagles in a tree, and Lori turned the boat around very slowly so we could check it out. All good, right? Wrong. While going that slow over the wake there was no way Maria could save him from the impending circumstance! It tipped. Alex dunked. And then they bobbed a bit before his daddy came to the rescue. Definitely a trooper. Was it worth it? We think it was! So amazing to watch the eagles soaring high above the lake, and we also were lucky enough to see one of them swoop down and nab a fish out of the water this past weekend. Maria's dad so so happy to finally see one. We all sat in the boat and took in the sight until the boys started to rock and roll.
How cool is Mark? He went up to 35 MPH on the jetski, while Alex went a big 5 MPH before wanting to head back. Alex is just more cautious.  But Mark?  We will get that kid up on water skis in no time.