Monday, August 31, 2009


It has been a good year for critters around the lake house.

We have been tucking Cooper into the jogging stroller and going for a very hilly 4.3 mile walk around the lake every weekend.  Not a rare occurence to see these orange guys on the street.  Cooper is still too young to appreciate them, but before we know it he will be out on a Salamander Hunt with his Aunt Mel. 

Usually the frogs that hang out around the slate walkway are so tiny, but this one seems to be ready to leave the "nest" pretty soon. You can also see bigger ones jump into the water as a means of escape if you walk close to the edge. No interest in seeing the size of the toads making all the noise down at the lake every night.

The bees are now looking for a new home after being evicted from the side window, and Maria is still whining about the slugs that are abundant after the 'Summer of Rain' we have all endured.  The bald eagles are now making weekly appearances, but it doesn't matter how much we see them - we always have to stop and watch them soar and then swoop down to nab a fish from the lake.  Yet another bit of "wildlife" experienced is when Scooter comes to visit while ignoring Max's calls to come home.  What a cute dog, but he isn't such a fan of our screen door.

Although we don't have a picture, it was very cool to see a juvenile black bear lumber across the road right ahead of our car two weeks ago.  It disappeared into the woods before we even thought about getting the iPhone out to snap a photo.  Next time.

Cooper is going to love all this stuff in a few years!

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