Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mormons Strike Again

Someone is going to Hell, but it ain't us.
Unbelievable. UnF'ingBelievable.

Apparently there is a storm brewing, and it is being conjured up by the National Organization for Marriage. This organization, which is a front for the Mormon Church, is warning of a "gathering storm" of gay rights. They say they are forming a "rainbow coalition of people of every creed and color who are coming together in love" - they have a rainbow coalition. A rainbow coalition. Way to co-opt your enemy's language!

Currently, this ad is set to run 8 times per day in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and California.

Here is a response to NOM's empty and deliberately vague rhetoric:

Because sometimes life works out so perfectly....
The audition tapes have been found and posted on YouTube for all to see. Real talent here. Their community theaters would be oh so proud. Would love to know how much they were each paid for this career-killing spot. Maybe the abortion issue or the women in the military debate will be resurected so they can come out of banishment to be in the spotlight for another ad or two.

What would be even more perfect?
A remix of NOM's ad and the auditions. Set to 'It's Raining Men'.
A girl can dream.....

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