Sunday, November 30, 2008


Went down to the Jersey Shore on Wednesday night, and en route got caught up on the news that Maria's cousin, Jessica Easton, was chosen to be on the homecoming court for Manasquan High School. How great! Decided to bag the parade through town, but met up with everyone at Ellen/Donny's for some post-parade libations. Jessica looked great, and did a fab job representing the freshman class. Congrats Jess!
Thanksgiving - Part I:
This year's dinner was at Karen/Randy's house, and we were so looking forward to the whole meal! Remember, this time last year we were enjoying dinner on the deck of our ship while touring the Galapagos Islands. The Ecuadorians did try to give us Americans as traditional a holiday meal as possible, and while all the food was amazing - it honestly wasn't even close!

Maria's grandfather couldn't get the salad served up fast enough.
Alex and Mark wore Native American costumes they made in school.
Todd and Christina picking over leftovers.
Thanksgiving - Part II:
We drove back home to NYC on Thanksgiving Night to meet up with Lori's parents who were coming to visit us for about a week. So great to see them! Lori and her mom worked all day on Friday to make an amazing belated Thanksgiving meal for us all. The menu consisted of turkey, homemade stuffing, roasted vegetables, potatoes, relish tray, and the most amazing gravy.  And we have enough left over to keep us fed and happy for weeks! Maria's contribution?  She took pictures of the whole process. (now she needs to upload them so we can post a few on the blog)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Maria's Baby Shower

So! This was the graphic that accompanied the invitation for the baby shower this past Saturday. Pretty much sums up the scene, huh?

About 50 of Maria's friends came to celebrate with us. The festivities started up at 7pm, and most everyone cleared out by 1am or so. Wine flowed. Lots of food. And we don't think we sat down the entire night! It was really exactly what Maria envisioned - hanging out with her friends, a good time, and a shower where she was not the center of gift-opening attention! Will add pictures as soon as we get some forwarded to us.

Also, this afternoon we have the 3D sonogram appointment, so will hopefully have some cool images to upload as soon as we get in front of a scanner. Plan for the next couple of days? Head to Maria's family in Jersey, spoil Alex and Mark, eat and eat (and eat), drive back for Lori's parents, our home-cooked belated T'giving, buy a car (?), and then back down to Jersey for a family baby shower on Sunday. No rest for the weary....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Random News

Been a busy week, so wanted to get some highlights out there:

We went to the 2008 Callen-Lorde's "Community Health Awards' at ESPACE honoring Dr. Stacey Silvers for all her time, effort, and support she has shown to the community over the years. So many family and friends attended to cheer Stacey on and to share in the evening. Congrats Stace!

Broadway! Had tickets for 'Billy Elliot' at the Imperial Theater, and we absolutely loved it. Definitely feel it is on course to win 'Best Musical' at the Tony Awards this year. Hard to single out any specific performance since no one in this talented cast truly shined brighter than any one else! Afterwards we went to dinner at Etcetera Etcetera, and it was great catching up with Jeff, Chris, John, and others. We recommend seeing this production! Get tickets while you can.

Maria had a doctor appointment yesterday, and all is well. Let's see.... We are now at 29 weeks, she has gained 18 lbs thus far, and baby's heart rate (137 BPM) is within normal range. Since Maria is now in the third trimester, she will see the doctor every two weeks instead of monthly. We are going to be touring the birthing center at St. Luke's - Roosevelt Hospital next week, and we have to get on the ball and make an appointment for 3D/4D ultrasound imaging soon.

Today is an organizing day. Furniture for the second bedroom came yesterday, and we spent hours (and hours) getting things set up and put into place. The only thing left to purchase is a crib - and we will get to that soon! The room is newly painted, and we just have to figure out what is going on the walls at some point. We do have a poster from Cheley Camp that we have to get framed.... Why wait to introduce our child to the greatest summer camp in the world, right?

Having a big group (close to 50) of Maria's friends at the apartment on Saturday night, so the rest of the week will be spent preparing for the party. Lots of food ordered. We have all the wine. So we really only have to go through the checklist and see if we need to make any last-minute purchases. Oh, and Sunday will NOT be a "day of rest" for us at all - since we have two parties that day! When is our next vacation??? We will add pictures of the baby's room and the party to the blog as soon as we get a second to do so!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nationwide Protest

We had an amazing day today.

We were two out of over 8,000 participants at a rally near City Hall, and it was flawlessly orchestrated by the amazing group Join The Impact. This group organized nationwide protests against the anti-gay propositions that were passed on Election Day. These were Prop 8 (California), Prop 102 (Arizona), and Prop 2 (Florida). While these Props all banned gay marriage, another passage happened in Arkansas that prevents unmarried couples from adopting children, and supporters have made it clear that this was aimed towards gay couples. These rallies happened simultaneously today, November 15th, in each and every state at 1:30pm EST.

This is a short video to see the masses of people that came out in spite of the threat of rain:

Notable political speakers included Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Congressman Anthony Weiner, and Councilwoman Rosie Mendez. Other celebs included Daniela Seas (LWord), Heather Matarazzo (Welcome to the Dollhouse), Kim Stoltz (America's Top Model), and a former Miss America.

Some pics:

And there is Maria again..... Volunteering her time and interpreting the event.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Keith Olbermann

The website: Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Last year, Rolling Stone printed an article about Olbermann entitled The Most Honest Man In News.

Have whatever opinion you want of the man.... You can not argue against his clear and concise reasoning regarding Prop 8 in California.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Election Night Watch Party

New York City HRC hosted an 'Election Night Watch Party' on Tuesday night. Lori was the host/emcee along with her dinner co-chair, Bryan Parsons, for the evening. The event was held at THERAPY in midtown, and the drinks flowed freely as we all watched the returns come in on CNN. The crowd went wild when Obama took each of the swing states and OF COURSE when he won the election.

Check out some pics of the evening:

And we were very happy that Michael ventured out of his Upper Eastside abode (although sans Christina) to come share in such a historic moment with us. You're the best Mikey!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

November 4, 2008 - HISTORIC


To access Barack Obama's acceptance speech,
Watch the video below or click here for a transcript.

Ann Nixon Cooper, the woman Barack Obama referred to in his acceptance speech, talks about this historic occasion.

The students of Ron Clark Academy respond to yesterday's election of Barack Obama as President of the United States. The emotion of the little boy at the end of the clip is incredibly moving.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008


Please please please.....
Vote tomorrow.
Don't allow your busy schedule to keep you from being part of this historic day. This is HISTORY folks. Be a part of it, and please encourage others to do so as well.

Have you seen the article about McCain in Rolling Stone? Scary.
Check it out: Make-Believe Maverick

Found this, and feel it is definitely worthy of posting:


Now is the time to show up and do something for your family.

Do not leave that line on November 4th.

It is possible that the line will be long.

It may take you two, three, four, five, six, seven hours to vote.
Stay. In. The. Line.

It is possible that people will come to harass you.
Stay. In. The. Line.

Do not give in to fear.

Do not give up on your and your family's dream for a better day.
Stay. In. The. Line.

Remember to bring water, snacks, and something to read.
Stay. In. The. Line.

Do not leave without voting.

Minimally, get a provisional ballot and make sure that you vote.
Stay. In. The. Line.

Show up on Tuesday.
Stay. In. The. Line.

A Tale Of Two Tax Plans
All of McCain's constant bullshit about raising taxes under Obama, and the whole 'Joe The Plumber' fiasco is just embarrassing. Can you imagine what people across the globe are thinking of his tactics???
So, as a recap, let us look at the two tax plans:

Thought this was very funny: