Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lost At Oktoberfest

At this year's Oktoberfest in Munich, beer consumption declined by 300,000 liters to 6.6 million, due to unseasonably cold and rainy weather.  The decline in alcohol intake didn't help festival-goers keep track of their belongings.

Clean-up crews found:

* 680 identity cards and passports
* 410 wallets
* 360 keys
* 265 pairs of eyeglasses
* 280 mobile phones
* 80 cameras
* 1 set of diving goggles
* 1 set of angel's wings
* 1 superman costume
* 4 wedding rings

Elaine! They found your angel's wings! Sorry Georgie, seems your black Nike jacket is still out there somewhere.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn, they found my diving goggles. Do you think I can get them back??? Traci