Saturday, October 16, 2010

National Zoo

Backtracking a little...... Lori had to bolt early to get to her meetings on Saturday. There was a briefing by White House staff scheduled, and she wanted to make sure she could hobble her way down there and nab a seat with her NYC counterparts.

Maria thought Cooper would love the chance to run and expend some energy. Decided that the National Zoo would be the perfect place, so the two took advantage of the beautiful weather and walked the couple of miles to Woodley Park.

Cooper couldn't get enough of this panda statue.

They had quite a bit to discuss.
He then attempted to infiltrate the perimeter.
We don't blame him, how cute!
So so so excited to see the elephants!

But the plain ol' mallard ducks proved to be entertaining as well.

Some other exotic and not so exotic species.
Cooper loved the children's farm.
Cooper joined in with a gang of kids yelling "MOO! MOO!" at the cows.
Carpe Diem.
The most exciting zoo sighting of the day?

The suckiest thing about the day? You walk in, follow the trails, see the exhibits, get to the end....

And then you have to walk the same exact path back to the entrance. UPHILL! Uphill the entire way. Crowds of people there by that point. Cooper needed a nap. Hot as hell. I hate zoos.

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