The Son,
The Holy Spirit.
Dear God:
Thank you for sending us Christine "DingBat" O'Donnell.
All of the idiotic Sarah Palin antics were getting a bit redundant and boring. I mean, no one is surprised by any of her stupidity any more. We are all used to it. Sarah Palin gives us nothing except mindless, headline-grabbing, sad sad attempts of nabbing the spotlight. Been there - done that.
But with Christine O'Donnell? THANK YOU GOD!!!! All one has to do is a simple Google search to be inundated with juicy excitement. This woman makes Mel Gibson look sane! Think about that weeks and weeks of craziness we are in for! Thank you!
God, the fact that she is pushing the mantra of fiscal responsibility is priceless! I mean, the woman hasn't held down a job for the last 5 years, is being investigated for misusing her campaign funds, her alma mater had to sue her for unpaid college bills, and her house has been in forclosure. God, you are brilliant!
And God, the very very fringe view O'Donnell has regarding sexuality, morality, and christianity is perfection. She even equates masturbation with adultery! Hey God, as long as we've got you on the line, what page in the bible is that written? Thanks!
Oh yeah, God -
Another big shout-out to you for making O'Donnell a vicious homophobe. Nice touch!
So thank you God, for giving us this new teabagger. Can not wait for more! We are in for quite a ride!
Love and Kisses,
- Maria and Lori and Cooper
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