Monday, June 6, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Thinker(s)

Cooper loves this car he got as a gift from Kim and Michele for his birthday. It is funny - he plays with it on a constant basis for like 4 or 5 days, puts it aside for a couple of weeks, and then rediscovers his obsession yet again. His own little 'circle of life', huh?
Carter. In his quiet reflection.

For Elaine

Elaine graduated from Rutgers, and never misses the opportunity to remind people of this fact! Oh, and be careful - breaking into the fight song is highly probable! (we love you elaine)

So when we saw this, how could we say no?

Cooper, we think Rutgers is a fine institution....

But please consider the pros and the cons of being a Scarlet Knight as you go through your acceptance letters from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, etc etc. Ok Kid?

Our Big Boy

When did our baby turn into a BOY?

We Suck

I know. We suck.

It has been a month. A whole month since the last post!

Lori has been doing a lot of traveling for work, and Maria had her normal crunch of end-of-the-semester interpreting gigs. Our social calendar is still churning. Oh yeah, and adding in the fact that Cooper has hit his twos hard? Makes for a fun/crazy/busy life.

But what is life without an up to date blog?

Lacking. That's for sure!

Will try to keep up from now on.