Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Pray The Gay Away"

Can we just get some facts out there? Let's start with Sarah Palin. She is a member of Wassila Bible Church. This congregation actually has a campaign that is entitled, "Pray The Gay Away". Yup, gay conversions. No one should be surprised on Palin's acceptance of such dogma since she is staunchly against gay marriage, and has said on numerous occasions she supports legislation that would deny benefits to the domestic partners of public employees, because, she said “honoring the family structure is that important." Great.

And McCain? Please. He supported legislation in Arizona to ban civil unions and domestic partnerships - even going so far as to make two TV commercials regarding his views. He is AGAINST any type of adoption by a gay individual. So let us all be clear..... If McCain had it his way Lori would never be able to adopt her son after Maria delivers. Never. McCain also voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act brought before the Senate. This act would prohibit any employer from firing an employee for the sole reason of sexual orientation.

This is not about parties and rivalries and games. We are your daughters/granddaughters/nieces/sisters/friends. These people are coming after the two of us. Deliberately and strategically. This is about rights. Human rights. When decisions are made in the voting booth, you are impacting the two of us when your vote is cast. Please think about things before making a hasty choice - and think about the world you are helping to create for our son. This needs to be a personal decision. Please think about it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

~ Breaking News ~

Well, went to the 20-week sonogram at St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital today.....
A staff meeting delayed the morning, and it was very comical seeing a full waiting room AND an additional 10 pregnant women waiting in the hallway for their appointments. Lori and I had to wait about an hour before being called in - and it was an amazing experience! Saw the spine and heart first, and then the arms, legs, brain, kidneys, etc etc. Doctor confirmed all measurements are normal and everything looked healthy. Whew! We can finally breathe.

They took a 3D picture, but said it unfortunately isn't as clear as they would like bec the baby is laying on the placenta and the cord is close to its face. We think it is pretty clear:

And? The really really big news? ~ ~ ~ IT IS A BOY ~ ~ ~